The Secrets of Harry Potter podcast explores the ancient themes imbedded in the book series and gives spiritual insights about them; on the other hand, The Star Wars Chronicles is a podcast that takes you to the galaxy far, far away where Anakin wields his lightsaber and discover the religious themes beneath the saga. As for the Catholic Insider, it tackles pop-culture and non-Catholics could even subscribe, too. It, likewise, features audio tours inside a church or even spending an afternoon in Rome.
In his latest episode of The Secrets of Harry Potter, Father Roderick discussed the one thing that the Daily Prophet (newspaper in HP magical world), Yoda, some people in the Matrix and John the Baptist have in common. He is bringing the gospel to the youth and I admire him for that – associating the gospel with pop-culture is the better way to introduce to youngsters the word of God.
Oh, you can also turn your portable mediaplayer into a PSP (Praystation Portable); by subscribing, you can download a daily morning and evening prayer.
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