Monday, December 05, 2005

Clipped wings

Oh gee! Why would one feel so out of reach if he doesn’t have an Internet connection? Back in the days when they use typewriters in the office, people never felt that way. In my new job, I don’t have Internet access nor my email can send outside correspondences; so I felt like I am out of the loop. It’s not that I depend on the access at the workplace to connect to the World Wide Web – I have a connection at home – it’s just that, when at home I have to attend to other things that would require me to stay away from the PC station.

During the times that there isn’t any internet, did people ever felt they were out of touch, uninformed, or isolated? Well, there’s only the television then and the good-old telephone – it doesn’t even have to be a mobile one. Why then in this age, when most people have earbuds stuck in their ears with music blasting from their iPods, phones or PDAs not giving a damn of what goes around in their place, people care so much about having an internet connection so that they can connect with their friends from far flung places? Has the little world that surrounds them became so constricting, aloof, impersonal that the only way to feel is to connect with someone from a far off place?

Maybe in some instances, it is; but life here in my new job is light and the people are warm. Maybe in another week or so, I can soon be acclimated to this new change.

Electric communication will never be a substitute for the face of someone who with their soul encourages another person to be brave and true. – Charles Dickens


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