Is one’s life only but a dream – a recurring nightmare that simply has no end? Don’t you just wish that there are certain moments in your life that you could just bring to a halt and re-do all over again with knowledge of disastrous effects if you make a certain choice? What if you experience a certain jolt and wake-up and realize that you’re still eighteen and haven’t finished college yet, when you could clearly remember that before you felt that jolt you were on your thirties? You have dreamt the next twelve years of your life.
Think for a moment what your life would have been if you made a different choice sometime in your past. Would you still end up in the same place or situation you are now? Would your life be better off or be more pathetic? Would you be just as fulfilled or be just as unsatisfied?
As for me, had I not accepted the job offering here in Singapore: I probably would have gone to another country, or maybe be also here in Singapore but arriving later than 2000, or I might still be single in the Philippines, not earning much and kicking myself for not accepting that offer or even daring to get out of the country. Here’s another one: had I chosen that company which is about to start the SAP application over the company that is about to start using AS/400, I probably am earning a lot more than what I am earning now. What would have become of me had I chosen to stop my studies after my Dad died? I probably am a huge disappointment to him and a humongous burden to my Mom.
Nevertheless, life has neither rewind buttons nor click wheels to hover your finger with; it’s in steady play mode which you couldn’t pause and only stops when you’re at the end of your road.
The New Year is up ahead. It’s about time to do some renewal (if you haven’t done so this Christmas).
I wish you all a prosperous new year!
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