If you're an analyst programmer like me, here are some tips for you in killing time at work when you don't have an Internet access. Things to do at work when you have really nothing to work on:
1. Clean up the mess you've in the development environment. Delete the objects you have created as back-ups during your testing. Objects already promoted for testing must also be removed from your development environment.
2. Clean up your spooled files. If you have saved reports that are almost a year old, take them out of the system; chances are you don't need them anymore and they're eating up space; better yet, delete them all: leave no evidence.
3. Clean you desk. Throw away all those scratch papers you have doodled on while doing your programming. File the documents (user requirements, technical specs, test results) for each project you have worked on.
4. Clean your hard disk of unnecessary files (mp3s, movies, episodes of Lost). If you have installed some freeware softwares that you rarely use, uninstall them; they could be the cause of the slow performance of your PC.
5. Organize your mailbox. Archive or delete old emails. Check out those emails with large attachments of dancing baby videos, you might have already gone tired of seeing them; now is the time to purge. Yes, that includes the dirty emails, chain emails, and jokes.
6. If your work table is now squeaky clean and your PC is running fine, read programming reference books (if you're that boring) or fire up the e-book copy of your favourite novel stored in your hard disk; and if you have enough brass, read Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code in paperback to refresh your mind before watching the film.
7. Learn how to sleep with your eyes still open; while you're at it, try learning how to move the mouse while dozing off.
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