Two years ago I was not Harry Potter crazy. I even laughed at the news that people were queuing up at midnight awaiting for the release of the fifth installment, Order of the Phoenix. I was astounded at the kind of security the author and her publishers had placed so that the story would not leak out before everything went out to press. Some said that the books were anti-Christian – not good for the kids – yet I did not gave in and grabbed a copy though it had piqued my curiosity, it was a kid’s book after all.
The first movie came out amidst the media frenzy. I did not pay too much attention to it, as I was more interested with the other movie being released that same year, Fellowship of the Ring. I did not even watched it in the theaters, I only got to see it when the DVD came out and I borrowed it from a friend. Philosopher's Stone was alright; it was a kid’s adventure, mixed with a whole lot of magic. The next year came and so did the second movie, Chamber of Secrets. I've seen it in the theaters this time, and came into inclusion that, okay, this is a battle between good and evil, that Voldemort is after Harry's ass, but still it did not grabbed my utmost interest. I guess you can blame it to the Two Towers.
Then the third movie came out, Prisoner of Azkaban. I don't know, blame it to Cuaron for making this third installment a total deviation from the first two, but something was stirred in me. I guess it was because I sensed that there was something that was left out in the film. It got me thinking that there has got to be more background stories going on and were left out because of the medium. Movies can't have everything that was written in the book!
And so my journey into the Potter world began. I went to a bookstore, took the first book Philosopher's Stone and paid for it. Four days later, I went back to the same bookstore and picked the second one. This cycle went on until I finished the fifth book. After finishing the Prisoner of Azkaban, the third one, it dawned on me that I was right; there really is something going on that the movies left out. And so, after the first pass of reading the five books, I did another and another and another… Don't ask me how many times – I can't answer that.
Why do fans love the books so much? Why did it compelled me to read them over and over again? There is some kind of magic going on in there, pardon the pun. They are not merely children's books, each installment grows with the reader, it's an adventure kids and adults could both enjoy. It is a journey of self-discovery, from being an almost non-existent boy to someone everyone depends on. Harry is living our dream – from obscurity to prominence.
Aside from the wonderful characters, the series is riddled with clues, hidden allusions – people keep on guessing what will happen. Readers are kept on their toes – it was important to keep you wits with you in reading every word, as you might miss something that is crucial to what is going to happen next. That is why in re-reading, you discover something new – could be a clue or just a red herring but still it is something new.
And now I await for the sixth book; the 100-days countdown has started. Many questions will be answered and new ones will come up. I can't wait to discover if my theory is right!
Now you know, why do I have Harry's image on my wallpaper PC and mobile phone, HP screensaver both again on my PC and phone, Double Trouble for my ring tone and Hedwig's Theme for my SMS ringer, and a POA calendar on my desk. Yes, I am Harry Potter crazy until the final book arrives, or maybe until the 7th movie is released.
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