Then came the sixth book, the Half-Blood Prince, and it made me wonder, where is my Hermione? Where had she gone? Where is the girl who helped Harry solve the puzzle of the potions that led to the stone that produces the Elixir of Life? Where is that girl who tore up a page from an old book from the library, which helped Harry in solving the mystery of the Chamber of Secrets? Where is the girl that turned the time to help Harry free Buckbeak and save the life of a convicted but innocent man, Sirius Black? Where is that one person, aside from the professors, who believed that Harry did not put his name in the Goblet of Fire? Where is that girl that came up with the idea of the DA, a secret society of young wizards and witches that meet regularly under the very nose of Dolores Umbridge and her Inquisitorial Squad? Where is she who blatantly lied to a professor just to save Harry from receiving an Unforgivable curse? Where is the girl who fought bravely on Harry’s side at the Department of Mysteries? Where is she now?
Her relationship with Harry in the sixth book has changed; they don’t have too much time together – well, maybe this is the needed ‘alone-time’ for Harry. Harry solved most of the mysteries in this book by himself; I ask now: what about that quote wherein JKR said “He needs her badly”? I can’t even believe that she would say, “It's such a pointless thing to get detention for." after receiving an invitation from Hagrid to be with him while he bury Aragog. She is less caring and temperamental now.
There is still one more book to wait for; for now, I’ll take her change as part of growing-up (but I really do hope that she’s under some kind of spell). Hermione, come back to us. Come back for Harry, because he needs you… he needs you badly.
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