Two months after I bought my Adidas Barricade III W (shown above), I saw this pamphlet at an Adidas store about shoes they could customize for customers. What in freakin’ hell! Why only now? To top it all, they only tailor-make three models and Barricade is one of them. Geez, it made me wished I had been a bit patient.
So what are these customizable shoes anyway? Firstly, they take your feet measurements (exact width and length to determine their unique features); secondly, they’ll identify at which points in your pretty feet do you exert force the most (weight distribution – for the support needed); and lastly, you get to pick which colors you want and you could put in your name on the side of your shoes. Your friggin’ name embossed in your very own shoes! Hell! a pair that you personally designed and made specifically for you twenty-one days after the 30 minutes run through process.
I could wait a few more months, wear-out my current one, and get a new customized Adidas that’s color coordinated with my badminton racquet or I could just buy this.
To know more about this Adidas new product go here.
I love my Barricade III; I’m not sure why Herman doesn’t like his.
Well done!
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