Thursday, August 25, 2005

Can you treat pimples at the nether parts of your body?

I’ve heard a long time ago that if you got a bad case of pimple, get a tube of your toothpaste (best if Colgate) and put some on your problem pimple. It has been said that it will dry out overnight. I never believed it, but some people do attest to its effectiveness.

More than a week ago, with a lot of thoughts running through my head, I went to our sink and brushed my teeth without giving so much a thought to it – doing it mechanically. After a minute of brushing, with my mouth covered in froth, a mindless thought occurred to me. Why isn’t there a tinge of mint in this toothpaste? Then my eyes trailed to the tube sitting precariously by the edge of the sink glowing in front of me. It was my Neutrogena’s Deep Clean Foaming Cleanser!

After some cycles of squawking and splitting and gurgling, I was able to wash down its soapy taste with another round of brushing with real toothpaste.

So, if toothpaste can be used to treat pimples on your face, can you then use a facial cleanser to clean your teeth? My answer to that is a resounding NO! It tasted awful. As for the title, nope I don't have pimples in the nether regions of my body.

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