With a little bit of time in my hands, I surfed the net and got across this test to know how weird I am. I would hurt to know if I’m eccentric. So, here’s what I got:
You are 50% Weird. Normal enough to know you’re weird, but too damn weird to do anything about it!
Me, only half-weird? I’m glad I am; this just confirms that I don’t completely belong to the bizarre. Just a bit of an oddball or can be spooky sometimes. Nevertheless being strange can be a good thing; it adds mystery, cuts you above the rest, gives you a certain identity, and allows you more leeway to be a deviant.
There’s another one that I took, a link I got from a forum with old schoolmates. It was a test to check how NERDY you are. How did I fare? I’m really sure that that test was flawed. Oh, for freaking out loud those kinds of test are flawed! Anyways, this was the outcome:
9% scored higher (more nerdy),
and 91% scored lower (less nerdy).
What does this mean? Your nerdiness is: Supreme Nerd. Apply for a professorship at MIT now!!!.
Like I really am all that! Okay, I might have been a bit above the average way back in my primary and secondary school, and just swimming in the median during my college years, but I am in no way a nerd. I am cool! I didn’t hole myself up in my room on weekends to read encyclopedias and do my homework when I was at school; I went to the beach, hang out with friends, and did silly things that normal teenage girls would normally do.
So tell me:
How Weird Are You? or
How Nerdy Are You?
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