Thursday, June 09, 2005

Leaders don’t force people to follow; they invite them on a journey

There’s a changing of the guards in our team at work – big time – two new big bosses. Everyone is on their toes, feeling the new current, walking on eggshells. Today, we received an email about the new directives from the new boss; it piqued the ire of the members of our team. Who wouldn’t? Let’s just say that it trod on the subject of tardiness and long tea and lunch breaks.

The quasi-memorandum, in my opinion, backfired; now, my colleagues and I have resolved that we’ll come to work early and leave early (no more OTy). If they insist, feint that you aren’t feeling well because of skipping the afternoon tea break. Productivity is defined by the results not by the attributes.

Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it. – Dwight D. Eisenhower

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