Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Nationalism is an infantile disease

To say that the governance of my beloved country, Philippines, had gone to dogs would be antediluvian. With what is going on back home, I feel like hiding myself under the bed. It was once said that the proper means of increasing the love we bear our native country is to reside some time in a foreign one; I am residing in a foreign land and my love for my country hasn’t increased a bit.

Patriotism was instilled in me when I was young by my Mom. I remember that one day when we have to watch the Aquino assassination video over and over again. We were over at one of my Mom’s friend’s house and there are people discussing what’s going on in political arena. Being a curious young girl that I am, because I love mysteries and current events really pique my interest, so I listened, and I have learned a lot. I’ve learned that our country is in trouble and that there’s a world beyond our borders that is far greater than ours.

I’ve become an idealist. I’ve dreamt that our country will rise above all its problems with the help of its people, who are no longer bounded by the martial law. I thought that with all the freedom, we could all contribute and work well for the betterment of our country. I was wrong, deeply mistaken. I never thought what extreme freedom could do to our countrymen.

Now, realism had finally hit me on the head. Our country’s problem runs far deeper than just economics, politics, or stability; it is within the people, both the governed and the governing bodies. Let me stole something from the American Declaration of Independence: “Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

If you’d ask me, what I think about that Gloriagate? I’d say: “They could all go to hell, I don’t care. I’m just happy that I have a new ringtone. Hello. Hello. Hello, Garci.

It is lamentable, that to be a good patriot one must become the enemy of the rest of mankind. – Voltaire


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